You have the right to a good death. A peaceful death. An aware and accepted death with grace and ease.
It’s not a throw of the dice, it’s not just for the lucky ones. It’s something we can create by living with an understanding of our mortality, by planning for our future, by talking with loved ones about our wishes, and by finding care that aligns with what “quality of life” means to us.
We will create a culture that brings aging and dying out from the shadow and welcomes it back into our vibrant lives. We will celebrate and remember those who have lived and died before us through ceremony and ritual. We will come together as a community committed to creating a safe container for expressions of grief and support each other in healing. We will learn to be with dying people and respect this rich time of life as much as we honor and respect youth. We will support each other in our own aging and begin to prepare for our death now so that we may age and die in peace.
It’s all for you.
Creating a care team that supports
individual priorities and values.

Quality Care
You have options. You also have a unique idea of what a quality life feels like for you. Soulful Senescence is a resources and practitioner directory to help you understand your options, find quality care, plan for your future, and create a beautiful and peaceful life and death.
You Have Options
Caring for the body, spirit, and soul.

We Can Help
Soulful Senescence is here to help get answers to hard questions. It’s a great place to ask and research specific concerns you or your family may be facing and to illustrate what’s available for you. Use the contact form for specific questions and we will get back to you.