film Club
These are a few classic films about Death and Dying.
Grief Walker | Tim Wilson
Grief Walker is a documentary about Stephen Jenkinson, once the leader of a palliative care counselling team in Toronto. He has been at the deathbed of thousands of people and has experienced their anxiety and terror through this phase of life even when physical pain is nonexistent. It is his mission to transform the way we die, turning denial and resistance into acceptance and grace.
A family undertaking | Elizabeth Westrate
More and more Americans are choosing to do home funerals. This was not uncommon pre-twenthieth century America but during the great slaughter of soldiers throughout the Civil War, these American customs were disrupted. Families longed to bring their dead home to honor and celebrate their lives. In order to do so, the bodies needed to be preserved, repaired, and shipped home. Enter, the undertaker.
How to Die in Oregon | Peter Richardson
Since 1994, any Oregonian resident whom two physicians diagnose as having less than six months to live can lawfully request a fatal medication to end his or her life. This documentary follows the lives and the decisions of a few of the terminally ill as they take control of their own mortality. Richardson explores both sides of this complex, emotionally charged issue.
Living While Dying | Cathy Zheutlin
“What a brave and honest immersion in a difficult topic. We are brought face to face with the pain, the fear, and the beauty which can be part of the final journey that awaits us all. It is an invitation to plan our own paths forward.” --Jessica Zitter, MD Critical and Palliative Care Specialist, Author of Extreme Measures, featured in Extremis.
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