Soulful Senescence

Conscious Aging


Living well and planning for a a beautiful final chapter.

Movement Therapy

Yoga, Qi Gong, walking, and other forms of exercise are so important in this stage of life.

Massage & Craniosacral Therapy

Massage and Craniosacral therapy can support a healthy lifestyle. These modalities can relax the nervous system, reduce pain naturally, improve sleep, boost mood, and aid in immune function.


Reiki offers emotional and spiritual support in this painful time. It supports the nervous system and helps to release stagnation of energy that can cause physical symptoms.


Meditation is an amazing tool when it comes to working with loss and grief. It is wise to connect with a community if possible and if not, you can explore free resources such as Insight Timer to begin meditating on your own.


Participating in community is a huge part of a healthy life especially as we age. It can keep us healthy longer and can provide a beautiful quality of life.


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Conscious Dying


Dying is not something we can stop or get away from. We will all experience this and it is in fact, a life’s work to die well. Planning for your death or for the death of a loved one is so important in supporting a smooth transition. Here are some resources to help.

Massage & Craniosacral Therapy

Connecting to your sensory experience is an important key to healing. Massage and Craniosacral Therapy are great modalities to support one in experiencing loss and reconnecting to the internal landscape.


Reiki offers emotional and spiritual support in this painful time. It supports the nervous system and helps to release stagnation of energy that can cause physical symptoms.


Meditation is an amazing tool when it comes to working with loss and grief. It is wise to connect with a community if possible and if not, you can explore free resources such as Insight Timer to begin meditating on your own.

Write about it

Write your Grief is an amazing 30-day course designed by Megan Devine. This course is not only about writing but it’s about connecting with others who understand you better than others may.

Support Groups

Find a local support group that you commit to participate in regularly. This can be such an important part of processing and many low-cost groups exist in most cities.

Grief Rituals

If you live in a community where Grief Rituals occur or you can attend one, this is highly recommended. It’s a beautiful way to move grief through your body and they are often held in a strong and safe container that allows for deep work. These often can be less verbal processing and move personal expression.


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Grief is not a fixable thing. It is not something we get rid of. Grief, however, is something we can help support people in. It’s something we can seek support for ourselves. Explore resources and practitioners to support this process below.

Massage & Craniosacral Therapy

Connecting to your sensory experience is an important key to healing. Massage and Craniosacral Therapy are great modalities to support one in experiencing loss and reconnecting to the internal landscape.


Reiki offers emotional and spiritual support in this painful time. It supports the nervous system and helps to release stagnation of energy that can cause physical symptoms.


Meditation is an amazing tool when it comes to working with loss and grief. It is wise to connect with a community if possible and if not, you can explore free resources such as Insight Timer to begin meditating on your own.

Write about it

Write your Grief is an amazing 30-day course designed by Megan Devine. This course is not only about writing but it’s about connecting with others who understand you better than others may.

Support Groups

Find a local support group that you commit to participate in regularly. This can be such an important part of processing and many low-cost groups exist in most cities.

Grief Rituals

If you live in a community where Grief Rituals occur or you can attend one, this is highly recommended. It’s a beautiful way to move grief through your body and they are often held in a strong and safe container that allows for deep work. These often can be less verbal processing and move personal expression.


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